Schaeffer’s Diesel Treat 2000 Fuel Additive


SKU: 0137PT Category: Tag:


Diesel Treat 2000™ is a multi-functional all-season diesel fuel additive formulated to boost fuel economy, improve cetane numbers, reduce emissions, fight fuel deposits, and increase lubricity protection.

Product Benefits

  • Mileage Improvement
  • Horsepower Improvement
  • Cetane Improvement
  • Emission Reduction
  • Inhibits Corrosion
  • Controls Moisture
  • Cleans Injectors

If diesel fuel does not contain an effective detergent (and most don’t contain any), varnish and carbon deposits can clog injectors robbing you of as much as 25% of your power and performance.

Diesel Treat 2000™ Premium Diesel (#137) is our nationally branded product. Jobbers can blend the additive themselves for bulk sales or provide the product in easy to use quart bottles that can be sold by the case for retail.

Poor spray pattern with glogged injector Uniform spray pattern with clean injector.

Diesel Treat 2000™ Premium Diesel raises fuel to quality levels exceeding Original Equipment Manufacturers’ Specifications. It burns completely ashless and contains no metallics or agents found harmful in engines. Consequently, its use cannot, in any way, void any manufacturer’s warranty.

Additional information

Weight 1.50 lbs
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 in


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